Sunday, August 17, 2008

RA Training and Opening

Hello everyone! I was worried it might be a bit longer before I got to update but, alas, the time is here.

First off, RA training was tiring, but a blast. We started by doing the strengthsquest test and discussion which went amazingly well. It seemed like everyone enjoyed it and might have given some people some inspiration. We then went on the retreat to the 4H center in Little Rock. This was a blast! I am a very interactive trainer, so we did some interactive ethics and diversity activities the night we arrived. The next day we got up for breakfast, then started the team building activities. Before I go on, I should digress for a humorous story.

When we arrived at the center, no one was at the front desk to check us in. So myself and another RA started roaming the place looking for someone to help us out. The only person we could find was the lunch lady. So, we asked her to find someone to check us in and she did. Well we have dinner and do our activities and people started to go to bed. Apparently, throughout the night, some of the RAs and CAs decided that it was creepy that there was only a lunch lady around when we arrived. They also thought it was weird that there was all this nice equipment around and there are people staying the night, but no security and the doors were not locked. Finally, they thought it odd that there were no peepholes in the doors of our rooms. Well that was the final straw for them. They spent most of the rest of the night comparing our experience to a horror movie and watching under the doors for people walking in the halls.

So, I found out about this the next morning. While we are at breakfast, I decide to have some fun of my own. After everyone got their food, I stood up and made an announcement. It went something like this...

"Can I have everyone's attention? I just wanted to give you guys an update on what happened last night. I don't know if the sirens woke anyone up, I asked them to keep quiet but some of you may have heard. I also didn't want you guys to be freaked out today when the police come and ask us some questions. Does everyone remember the lunch lady from last night? Well, apparently when she left work last night, she stopped at the town down the road and murdered an old man. The police do not know where she is or why she did it, but they are asking anyone who was here last night for any information they may have. So, if a few of you get called out while we are doing activities today, I'm going to ask that you be very cooperative with them."

There was a long silence. Then, one of the CAs who was freaking out the night before exclaims, "I told you guys!"

I then said, "Everything I just said was a lie. I just wanted to mess with your heads!"

It was really funny. Some found it more funny than others but, I think everyone appreciated the joke.

The ropes course was fun, but somehow not what I imagined it would be. I came out looking like a battered woman because some of the obstacles are meant for the longer legged person. So I found myself dangling by my arms in between ropes a few times. But it was fun. I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be. I went down the zip line... and screamed at the first drop. But it was worth it. It also rained but I think that just added to the challenge. It kept us cool also.

Finally, training came. It went really well. Some of the food did not go over well because the kitchen got kind of fancy and we were just hungry. But I think it was a good experience. The Behind Closed Doors went extremely well. This was the first year that the police had been involved here. I believe that will continue in the future.

And finally, I can take a few moments to catch my breath. I have been telling my RAs all week that my husband is going to leave me if he doesn't get a homecooked meal soon. There is a dodgeball tournament tonight but after that, hopefully we will get back to normal.

Tonight we have our first floor meetings and a surprise. If you are in housing, you probably know what the surprise is, but for all others, I can't tell you until after it happens on the off chance that a resident reads this before the surprise occurs.

In private, I'll have to generally tell you guys about my opening day experience. There were some awkward moments that could have gone really, really badly. But I handled them like a pro and nothing was blown out of proportion. Give me a call if you want to trade opening stories. :-)

I miss everyone and very badly want an update from you.

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