Thursday, May 10, 2012

Same Sex Marriage Woes

I have many thoughts on this issue. The most prevalent one is, "Why on Earth are we talking about this?"

The resounding answer is any  mixture of the following: hate, the "ick" factor, religion, slippery slope.

The most prevalent argument I hear is religion... with a close second being the slippery slope argument. Let me address them both here:


Yes I know the verses exist that homosexuality is a sin. I'm not ignoring those. Too me, it suffices to say, separation of church and state. Your religion doesn't have to support it. But this is a discrimination case as is. If your church or religion doesn't want to support gay marriage? Fine. Don't. Why can't we leave it at that?

"Marriage is between a MAN and WOMAN. That's how GOD intended it!" Yes. And God intended for humans to live sin free lives. And he probably intended on everyone choosing Him and loving Him. And yet we allow atheists, Satan worshipers, perverts, rapists, murderers, etc marry every single day. With no protest. As long as it is a man and woman, there is nothing wrong with it.

By saying marriage between a man and a woman is the only way, does that mean you personally support rapists? Perverts? Adulterers? Atheists? Murderers?

No? That's weird. There isn't any picketing to keep them from marrying, is there? 

Not to mention that we are just picking and choosing our favorite pieces from the Bible. Seems to me God kind of hit on that divorce thing pretty hard too. If we are banning same sex marriage, why aren't we leading a charge to ban divorce? Divorce is mentioned more in the Bible than homosexuality... must have been more important right? And I'm pretty sure "irreconcilable differences" wasn't listed as a valid reason to divorce.

Slippery Slope Argument:

"If we let a man marry a man and a woman marry a woman, then people will be wanting to marry their dogs... or the cats... or their favorite fence post! Where do we draw the line?!"

At two consenting adults, moron.

Geez. This is the DUMBEST most IGNORANT argument out there.

You know how people campaigned to keep women and minorities from voting?

"If we let a woman vote or a Negro to vote, what's next? Can my dog vote? Can my cat vote? Can my favorite fence post vote?"

How ridiculous does that sound? And yet, it is working on so many people!

The bottom line to me is how sad this is. Same sex marriage is in no way a threat to my marriage. Neither is Britney Spears' short lived marriage, Rush Limbaugh's many marriages, or any other argument. It is silly. My marriage is between me, my husband and God. I got married with full intentions of keeping God in my marriage. That was my choice.

Many heterosexual people enter into marriage without God every single day. How is it fair for them to do it and it isn't for two consenting women or men? 

And good grief is this going to be embarrassing in 20 or 30 years. Just like we can't imagine why women or minorities couldn't vote back in the day... and how backwards that was... that's what we will feel like in a few decades when this is a non issue and just a sad splotch on our past.

If homosexuality is "icky" to you and just freaks you out, that's fine. In all honesty, it used to me too. Then I met some amazing people and they happened to be gay. And I was hit face to face with it. Turns out, they are just like us heteros save one minor detail. And I'm not going to pretend that I'm not a little taken aback when I see a man kiss a man or a woman kiss a woman, or I see a same sex couple holding hands... I am most of the time. It isn't something you see every day. But that is no reason to deny them marriage rights.

End rant. Le sigh.

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