Thursday, January 5, 2012

Muh Baybee Eez TWO!!!

It is official. He can't stay a baby forever. UGH

I say all of that but I just want the best of both worlds. I love watching him grow up and learn new things and all that jazz... like I live for it. But at the same time, I know I'm going to turn around one day and think, "Where is that kid who used to poop in the floor? Or bite his dad in the danglers?"

At least I have this blog, to publicly record the humiliating (and super funny and adorable) things he does.

So Happy Birthday Sam! Here is a list of stuff you are currently doing that either cracks my stuff up or makes my heart melt into a warm little puddle of awe.

1. I love your singing! You will sing along with me, the radio, you'll make up stuff to sing about. It is so cute!

2. You also dance a lot. It general it involves a "strut" where you drag one leg behind you... kind of to the beat of the music. There is the one I call "backing it up" (my favorite) where you bob and scoot backwards but with your butt aimed at someone. There is the "spread my legs as far as I can and rock back and forth one". This is normally your dance of choice.

3. You also just break out into random "walks" sometimes. Like, suddenly, out of nowhere, you just start "creeping up on" someone, with your hands set deviously in front of you. You also try to walk like a thug sometimes too, with one shoulder dropped like you'll bust a cap if I don't get you your "chokit milk" to you pronto!

4. Dear heavens you talk a lot. And words I didn't know you knew! And some that I really wish you didn't know but can't blame you for knowing because they came out of my potty mouth to begin with. But you are all the time coming up to me telling me Skipper pee peed in the house and needs to go to his kennel. It goes something like this:

Sam: "Kipper pee pee."
Me: "Skipper pee peed?"
Sam: nods head "Pee pee house."
Me: "He pee peed in the house?"
Sam: "Bad! Chennel!" And then starts swatting at the dog or dragging him by his collar. Poor dog. He had no idea this would be his "rescue."

5. You call people on the phone. Ok not people. You call grandma on the phone. Always grandma.

6. You put everything in time out. You try to put momma and daddy in the corner. But things I've found in "time out" (or have been delayed for because they were in time out and weren't finished): toys, cups, stuffed animals, and shoes. All facing the wall. All getting yelled at by Sam.

7. You refer to yourself in the third person  A LOT. "Tickle Sam?" "Sam eat." "Sam play outside."

8. Your favorite gross little boy thing to talk about is boogers. You'll stick your finger up your nose, giggle, and say "Sam boogers!" Or in your ear and say, "Ear boogers!" If we want you to smile for a picture, we say, "Grandma has boogers!" Grandma loves that.

9. Over this Christmas break, you got accustomed to taking naps with momma. You would lay on "daddy's piyyow" and I'd lay on mine. Friends would be playing on the tv. You'd watch and lay really still. You'd ask for my hand so we could hold hands and fall asleep. Please stay this sweet forever.?! Please.

10. You are getting phrases down well! My favorite is at night time, we say, "Night night, Sam." And you say, "Nigh nigh momma" or "nigh nigh daddy". We will then say, "I love you much!" and you'll say, "Yub you much". You also ask every night for your "pretty light" to be turned on (a light your daddy bought you on a conference in Minnesota. It is a fiber optic thing and it is blue.). Every night before we pray, I ask you what you want to pray about. You normally say, "Jesus" or "puppy" or "Susu" or "grandma" or "momma" or "daddy" or "lights" or "candy." Sometimes any combination. I love it though. And we always pray for whatever you want to, then what momma wants to (for good measure).

11. You currently think that if we turn into a McDonalds/gas station combo, we must be getting chicken. Because this is what I hear from the back seat, "YAY! CHICKEN! YAY!" This is proof that you remember things that you really want to because this may have happened twice in your entire life time. Every other time I've pulled into one of these things, it is for gas. Stinker. 

Words cannot express our love you. Even when you are yelling your distaste at us for putting you in time out (and subsequently trying to scoot out of time out) (this drives me absolutely bonkers by the way), we are still just crazily overwhelmed with our love for you. You are so smart and funny and constantly doing new things to amaze us.

Here's to another year of "What did he just say?" and "No Sam! Stop ___________!" We love you!

*Edit to add other things awesome that I omitted from the first.

12. When it is time to go to bed, I'll say, "Ok Sam, tell daddy night night." Then he'll say, "No! Rock!" He loves to rock... especially if it means he doesn't have to go to bed.

13. He has to take one shoe off in the car. Has too. I'm not sure why. If he doesn't feel like he's getting adequate attention in the back seat, he'll throw that shoe at you in the front seat. People think I'm crazy, but this kid has an ARM and an AIM! **crosses finger and chants "baseball! baseball!"**


  1. Happy Birthday, Sam! He sounds like a doll. Continue to just enjoy every minute.

  2. It's more like "No, WOK!," because he doesn't quite have his R's quite yet. That or he just wants some stir fry.
