Monday, September 12, 2011

That Time Michelle Bought Him a Tickle Me Elmo

My friend Michelle may be one of the best human beings to walk the planet. Why? Well, her loving on my son helps, but she is still pretty amazing without that fact.

Today, while at Toys R Us, Michelle thinks of my son when she sees an entire aisle dedicated to Elmo. She sent me a text picture of the aisle saying she wanted to buy them all for Sam. Little did I know, she really was going to buy one!

Enough already... here is the reaction.

Refresher course for those who don't know: Push his belly once, he says it tickles. Push it again, he likes it more. Push it three times, he shakes all over and laughs and makes a ridiculous scene (for those of you thinking of "that's what she said jokes, shame on you! this is a child's story!)

So, Michelle gives it to Sam, and he is ELATED. E freaking LATED. His whole face lights up, his eyes get bigger, he can hardly contain himself. Pure joy all over his face.

Then he got tickled for the third time.

Oh. Snap.

His face said the following two things at the very same time:

1) ohmuhgah momma is this really mine? Elmo is the best ever and Michelle is a close second. This is the best day ever please never let it end.

2) What the French toast is happening here? Help me momma! Make it quit... please GAWD make it stop!

Best time ever. No really... it was.

Here is a little picture montage that DOES NOT do it justice. I must have missed a few shots.

Mom, I really think I like it.

I mean, I'm pretty sure anyway.

I have anxiety, Mom. I smile when I'm nervous.

He stopped giggling. Whew! Close one, Mom!

Mom, I know she just gave me a gift, and I'm trying my best to smile, but what the french toast is he doing!? Hold me?

I'll just keep an eye on him over here. Please, no sudden moves.

That's the kind of "sudden moves" I was just talking about. How am I supposed to pretend I'm not afraid now?

Eff this! I'm out!


Okay so that was mean... but how freaking adorable (and chubby) is that picture!?


  1. I'm just happy he finally warmed up to it. I was scared I had scarred him for life.

  2. OMG, last picture is my favorite!! Love all 17 of those chins!!!!
