Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I have no original thoughts


I stole this from Ashley... who stole it from Kaitlyn... who very likely didn't make it up herself...

1. When is your “engagement” anniversary:

June 11, 2005

2. When is your “marriage” anniversary:

June 24

3. How long have you known your spouse:

8 years

4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged:

Approximately 3 years

5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?

He was a mentor in State Hall. I lived there. We talked in the lobby.

6. What is your spouse’s full name:

Justin Turner... his mom doesn't believe in middle names... lol j/k

7. Do you have any children:

The most precious one ever!

8. How many – boys/girls:

1 big boy

9. Do you have any house pets:

Probably... but not on purpose LOL There is a cricket that I refuse to squish because I hate that sound and I never see it when Justin is around. Then there is a teeny tiny spider that, while I don't like spiders, he doesn't seem to be harming anyone, he just wants to be left in his corner. The cricket's name is Juanita. The spider's name is Hugh.

10. Do you own a house or rent:

Neither... its complicated.

11. Do you live in the country or town/city:


12. What is one of your favorite activities together:

Lately... Scrabble. But we also like the zoo.

13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:

He has one... Washington DC. I have one... almost anywhere else. LOL

14. When did you first kiss?

I know it was in my dorm room. Maybe a few weeks in? I dunno.

15. What church do you attend?

A cute little Methodist one. They are so nice. And do a lot for the community.

16. Is this the church you were married in:

We went the heathen route and got married in a conference center.

17. What town is your current address at:

The big Arkansas city.. you know...

18. Do you work or stay at home:

Kind of both... but mostly work.

19. Where did you go on your honeymoon:


20. What was the funniest gift you gave when dating?

A mechanical singing hamster in a hamster cage. I'll leave you to ponder that.

21. How long have you been together?

8 years.

22. How long did you know each other before you started dating?

About a month.

23. Who asked who out?

I did. He drug his feet. But the story is a whole other blog post. That I may have already done.

24. How old are each of you?

27 and 26

25. Where do each of you go to school?

Neither of us "go to school" any more. But we both did and still do for jobs.

26. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

Honestly... small stuff... like just getting on each other's nerves. We don't really fight about anything big.

27. Did you go to the same school?


28. Are you from the same home town?


29. Who is smarter?

Depends on the subject. Math/Communication/Etc. = Me. Computers/History/Etc. = Him. Physical science makes my eyes clothes although he got a lower grade. I'm better at grammar, he's better at content. We're like yin and yang.

30. Who is more sensitive?

Both of us. He would say me. But it depends on the day who is more sensitive.

31. Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Chick fil a?

32. Where is the farthest you two have traveled together as a couple?


33. Who has the craziest exes?

Well he has one that's pretty bad, and most crazies from my past I didn't actually date... so you decide.

34. Who has the worse temper?

Him actually. Although hit the right button and I could take him. LOL

35. Who does the cooking?


36. Who is more social?

Me. Which is weird, because I"m the introvert.

37. Who is the neat-freak?

We don't know that term.

38. Who is more stubborn?

Him. No contest.

39. Who hogs the bed?

Him. And he shh's me if I try and remedy the situation.

40. Who wakes up earlier?


41. Where was your first date?

Started at Dairy Queen. Ended at a park. Shakey's in between.

42. Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?

Me fo sho.

43. Do you get flowers often?

Not anymore. But I'm not bent out of shape about it. They cost money.

44. How do you spend the holidays?

Opening presents and eating.

45. Who is more jealous?

Neither. We both have a weird spot for jealously, but its pretty much a non issue.

46. How long did it take to get serious?

About a month. I'm either in or I'm out. I don't take much time to test the waters.

47. Who eats more?

He does.

48. Who does the laundry

Me, although he will help if I ask.

49. Who’s better with the computer?

I touch a computer and it breaks. He spends a lot of time trying to keep that from happening.

50. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples.

Treat your spouse better than you would treat yourself. Laziness can make the other person feel very unimportant and the simplest things can really add up. Build each other up and constantly put their needs above your own. If you both do that, you will be forever happy.


  1. This was good. I especially liked the part where physical science makes your eyes "clothes". Bless it. :)

  2. I nominated you for an award btw. Check out my blog.

  3. Hahaha Justin pointed out my "clothes" comment last night. Cracked me up! I was really tired and in a hurry. Give me some credit.
