Thursday, December 8, 2011

Political Post Riddled with Sarcasm and Anger

Although, I don't need to post any of that because I feel like this ad speaks for itself:

Oh. My. Gosh. Really?

I know that there are people out there that believe gays are going to hell and all that jazz. That's not really my point here.

But, Rick, it was 1962 when the ban on prayer came into play. That was not Obama's doing. I know in Texas it isn't appropriate to learn what actually happened in history, but c'mon! You were actually in school when prayer was banned!

But I guess we don't need to be reminded of "crap Perry doesn't get" do we? Oh no, we do. (start at 1:35)

Back to the original video:

War on religion?! A good heaven's. If anything, Obama is the closest president we have ever had to expressing the love of Christ and not touting his own biases, prejudices, or just simple discomforts as a reason to spread hate in the name of Jesus.

How dare you imply that Obama has somehow defamed our religion...

You don't like his policies? Fine. Attack them.

You don't like his way of creating jobs? Fine. Attack that.

But to just slander him for no other reason than to win a stinking campaign while dragging your precious Savior through the mud... that is just tacky.

And I am just sick and tired of this, "Our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas." Horse shit. They can too. It is what your FOREFATHERS that you speak of so fondly called religious freedom.

Happy Holidays is not an attack on Christmas or Christianity. It is an expression to spread holiday cheer. Some feel like holiday cheer reminds them of being loved.

Wait? What's that? Christ IS love... I don't see the problem.

And even if there was a problem, how did everyone pin "happy holidays" on Obama?! That is absurd! He says Merry Christmas. He also says Happy Holidays. It is a diverse vocabulary, I know. 

And while I'm on it, for all of you who believe that Obama has named the Christmas trees in the White House "Holiday Trees"...that is a completely untrue statement. They are Christmas trees. They even have ornaments on them that have little baby Jesus on them?! If you want to research what president was closest to doing such a thing, that would be Captain Christian George Bush. Look it up.

What? A Muslim with baby Jesus on his tree? He must be the Anti-Christ!

Oh wait... he's Methodist. And not even close to the anti-christ.

War on religion?! Ricky Perry seriously disgusts me.

Am I liberal? Yes. Do I believe in equal rights? Yes. Am I a happily married Christian woman? Yes.

Again... if you want to fight him on his policies or agenda... go for it. But please stop dragging my precious Jesus's name through the mud for your campaign. It is disgusting.

And note: On your campaign page on youtube, on your ad, you have about 3,500 likes and over 160,000 dislikes. Take a hint. Jesus doesn't hate.

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