Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thestimony Thursday: Obedient Children

Did ya like what I did there? I added an "h" and I sound like I have a speech impediment. It makes it okay that I'm two days late on my post.


At the end of my last post I confessed to you all that I had basically been ignoring God. I know. I'm awesome.

I then vowed that I would get up at 5:30 am from then on out and stop ignoring the Almighty Lord.

And here is how that went...

First try: Sam wakes up in the middle of the night coughing. Will not go back to sleep for 3 hours. Mom is zombie and feels it is okay to not get up at 5:30. Mom still reads and prays during the day and everything was great.

Second try: Sam wakes up in the middle of the night coughing. Will not go back to sleep for 3 hours. Mom is zombie and feels like it is okay to not get up at 5:30. Mom still read and prays during the day and everything was fine.

Third try: Sam sleeps fine. Major event happens in the middle of the night beginning at 2 am and I don't go to sleep afterward. I then go to work with now three days of hardly sleeping. I'm emotional and tired and stressed. (Rikki with no sleep is just awful.) Somehow, set aside prayer time and Bible reading didn't happen.

Fourth try: I believe this landed on a weekend and all was fine. Caught up on reading.

Fifth try: This went well too.

Sixth try: I wasn't feeling well and didn't sleep well. Tossed and turned all night. Barely slept. Ended up getting up at 6.

Seventh try: Couldn't sleep again. Got up and spent time with God. God was leading me to post on what we were talking about. I decided to wait until morning to post it. In the morning I forgot.

Eighth and ninth try: Told myself I'd wake up at 5:30 anyway so no need for alarm. Note to self: Without the alarm, I apparently don't take the clock as seriously. When I did get up a little after 6, my son also woke up therefore robbing me of my Rikki/Jesus time.

After all that boringness... what is the point?

Why do I expect results from God when I can't even follow a simple command.

Here is how the narrative goes:

God: Rikki get up at 5:30 am and I will share my beautiful word with you.

Rikki: But that's early.

God: Yes, but it is quiet and peaceful. We connect better that way.

Rikki: But that's early.

God: If you are unwilling to spend time with me, why do you still expect me to do things for you?

Which brings me to my next example that hits a little bit closer to home for some:

As a parent, when Sam wants something he has to do what I say. For instance:

Sam: (Points at Cheese-Its and whines)

Mom: What do you want?

Sam: (Points to Cheese-Its and whines more)

Mom: What do you want, Sam?

Sam: (Points to Cheese-Its, whines, and now is jumping up and down)

Mom: Tell me what you want Sam. Use words.

Sam: More. Please. (which is actually MOE PEEZ

Mom: (hands him Cheese-Its)

It is so simple.

Stop expecting things from your Father when you don't do what He says!

Moral of the story:

Spend time with God every day. Read the Bible. Medidate on the verses. And pray.

Don't just pray as in asking for things. But share with Him your feelings, your thoughts, your dilemmas and your joys. It goes a long way.

I mean, if you had a friend that just complained to you about everything that was wrong and asked you to help fix it, how long would you remain their friend? It gets annoying.

Now take it a step further and you give them advice on how to correct the problems. And they ignore it. Over and over and over again.

Irritating as all get out.

So knock it off. Because, I know you are doing it too. :-)

Happy Thestimony Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is...WOW! Convicted? Yes. Are you right on target? Yes. Did you say that you know I'm doing it too? Yes. Thanks Rikki, I needed to hear it and God knew it. :)
