Monday, May 24, 2010

My Little Boy's First Sickness

To preface: I'm a big fat baby.

No one prepared me for how hard it is if your baby is sick. Nothing hurts worse! Give me a thousand nails shoved under my big toe any day! Ugh!

So it started Friday night. He had been coughing but I didn't think a whole lot of it. I took him to daycare Friday morning and Susan said she'd watch it and see if we needed to take him to the doctor. He didn't really cough for her at all so we thought it was fine.

He started coughing when I got him home Friday night and I thought, "I should check his temperature just in case." Glad I did... it was 100.1.

I immediately start over-reacting. Something about seeing a three-digit temperature associated with your child is very unsettling. So I call Susan first. She assures me that I'm not over-reacting if I want to take him to the doctor but that its also okay to wait and see what happens.

That wasn't good enough so I called the nurse's line. They said, "Oh its just 100? We don't usually see them until its been 102 or higher for three days."

Insert blank stare here.

Really? That's entirely too long. Sorry. So I called the after hours clinic that I would take him to and see what they think. They say, "You need to take him the ER."

WHAT?! That is like the exact opposite reaction I just got! While I thought it was worth being seen, I wasn't even to the point that he should go to the ER. So I called my mom.

She of course agreed with the nurse and said don't do anything. It was about this time that Sam woke up from his nap and he was all smiles and giggles. So I finally decided to wait it out and sleep in his room just in case.

The next morning he woke up and coughed a little, but was overall fine. So we went over to a friends house and played all day. Then his fever returned Saturday night. But it was higher and he was coughing like a frog was in his throat and he was crying because it hurt.

That's it. Off to the doctor we go.

We get there and he has a 101 temp. The doctor sees him and he has a virus. They show us how to invade the privacy of his nostrils with the most efficiency (it is intense) and give us some comfort and mucus loosening instructions.

Sunday goes well. He coughs and what not but nothing new and disturbing.

Then there was this morning. He woke up at 5:15am. When I gave him his bottle around 6:00am, I took it out to burp him... and there is BLOOD ON THE NIPPLE!

Now don't let me over-react here. It wasn't A LOT but it wasn't just a little either. It was concerning for sure.

I flipped out. I wanted to see in his mouth so bad but couldn't. I woke Justin up and we both just stared at him trying to figure it out. All the while Sam is just pissed that we aren't giving him the bottle back. He was hungry.

So we got an appointment today and all is well. There were several things that could have caused it but the doctor ruled out all the serious ones and was glad we brought him in to check.

And you would have thought we were new people when we left. So much stress left us once we knew for sure he was fine.

Again, I stress to you, nothing hurts like watching your child hurt and being able to do nothing about it. Nothing.


  1. AnonymousMay 25, 2010

    I know EXACTLY what you mean! It's the scariest thing in the world, ESPECIALLY when they're newborns! I overreacted a few times myself, but I'd rather go to the doctor and him tell us she's fine, than for something to happen and for us to have ignored it. Hope the little guy gets to feeling better soon! ~Laci Stowe

  2. AnonymousMay 31, 2010

    Totally agreed - it SUCKS seeing your child in pain or sick. So glad that the little man is ok!

    I loved your words, "we both just stared at him trying to figure it out." I think you worded that perfectly and captured the emotions of every parent with a sick child!
