Thursday, March 11, 2010

Its been a while

My good friend to be left unnamed started a blog recently and it reminded me... I have one of those. Its been a while since I updated it... but I have one. So much has happened since I last updated that there is no way for me to make up for lost time. So instead... I'm going to talk about my son...

We had a moment this morning. My grandma came into town today so instead of taking him to daycare early, I waited so we could have lunch with her. Our normal routine has him waking up around 6:30am, eating a little bit, changing his diaper/clothes, I pump, then we leave.

This morning, I wanted to go back to sleep. So I fed him around 6:30am, then I changed his diaper, and put him back down to sleep. I hopped in the shower and got as ready as I could before laying down to nap. I got up around 9:30am to feed him again and get him changed. He lost interest in eating so I thought it was safe to go pump. I put him in his carseat and go to the other room to pump.

And that's when the screaming began. He screamed bloody murder for the entire 15 minutes I was pumping. So I was thinking... he wasn't quite done eating and he was letting the world know about it.

No. I no more than walk back in the room and say, "Bubby... what's the deal?"

He looked up at me, gave me a really mean look, and stopped crying. He was apparently upset that I went in the other room. He literally didn't cry again until we were about to leave the restaurant and I had to change his diaper (He's not a fan of the diaper changing station in the bathroom... turns out... neither is momma.)

And that's my little chubbo story of the day.

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