As a hall director, I'm constantly looking for ways to get students involved in community service. I love it and I want to share that with them. I received an e-mail from City Year, a national service organization that has a group in Little Rock. They declared Martin Luther King Jr Day as a day "on" instead of a day "off." They were calling for anyone who would like to engage in service projects throughout Little Rock. Thankfully, on of my RAs jumped on the idea.
We took 10 people. The beginning was very cute. We met at the presidential library. City Year inducted a class of "Young Heroes." These are students in middle school that have donated 10 Saturdays (I believe, don't quote me) to service in Central Arkansas. They put on a drill skit and were very excited. On the news later that night, Justin and I were watching, and one of his students from Cloverdale was on tv talking about what it meant to him to be involved. It was really cute and inspiring because especially in that school district, you don't see many students really wanting to get involved in the community.
Anyway, once the ceremony ended, we were dispatched to the YMCA. Here are some illustrations of what we did...
This is a group of us shoveling and spreading new mulch onto the playground. I took it upon myself to pick up some litter that was around the playground. I found liquor bottles and lots of unsafe items. This was a labor intensive area as there wasn't a wheel barrow until we were almost done. As you can see by this picture and the next, they had a lot of fun! Great attitudes!
Here are some of our people painting a room. I stayed away from this room because I didn't want to have an asthma attack right there in front of everyone...
And here's the happy crew!
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