Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Did you poop in the floor?!"

Tonight my son shat his undies. He then realizes this is bad and heads to the bathroom where he takes them off, plopping a huge turd in the floor. He then climbs up on the toilet to finish, smearing it all over the toilet. He then attempts to wipe. He then gets off the toilet, walks through the pile of poo and hides his undies in the bathtub. It is at about this time I notice he is missing. He did all this behind closed doors. He then tells me he doesn't know where his undies are. It was thirty minutes later before I figured all of it out (took a while to find the undies which pieced it all together).

He is now learning the lesson that we don't lie by going to bed early without playtime. Except I took so long typing this while he bathed that he is going to bed on time.


  1. Lol! Sounds like he learned quite a lesson. I think I'll leave my kid in a diaper for 3-5 more years, thanks.

  2. Good golly Gurdy!!! Hilarious however, what a mess!
