Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Testimony Tuesday: Forgiveness of a Child

I've decided to start putting the topic in the heading. Mostly for me. You're welcome.

This week's lesson, word, what have you is one that was just pretty much laid on my heart. I'll share with you the sequence of events as it happened to me.

I read this verse today about a "childlike heart":

Mark 10:15
Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.

Translation: Adults... get over yourselves.

That sounds harsh, but that is exactly what I see in this verse. I'll put it into a day to day interaction for you.

My son loves me. He thinks I am amazing. When he is upset, he wants me to hold him. He loves to play with me. He comes to me when he is hungry. He wants me to hold him when he is hurt or sick. When he accomplishes something new, he wants me to know about it first.

And that is what God wants from us. God should be the first person we go to when we are upset, hungry, thirsty, hurt, or sick. We should celebrate with God first when we accomplish something new and exciting. We should spend time with God not only when we need something or have something to be excited about, but also, just because He is our Father.

Which brings me to forgiveness.

This part was just laid upon my heart because I am so guilty of this.

When I tell Sam "No", it makes him mad. He cries and sometimes has a fit. But within 5 minutes, he is showing me something he found under the couch. He forgives just as quickly as he gets mad.

Why don't adults do this?

I know why. Because we are jaded. We are sick and tired of people treating us badly, repeatedly doing the same things to us. Or we are baffled at how moronic some people can be. And, how did they even think any of that was okay?

Have you caught yourself saying this...

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Or how about this one...

They may have gotten away with it this time, but they will never cross me again!

We are all guilty of thinking these things, professing these things, even preaching these things. And yet, that is not what God wants from us.

Just as we should have faith like a child, we should forgive like a child.

There isn't a verse in the Bible that I know of that tells us being angry is a sin. It is what you do with that anger that is the problem.

So when people anger you, be mad. But be quick to forgive. Forgive like our Father forgives us.

Do you not think Jesus was not treated badly while on Earth? And yet, he forgave. Every time.

Do you not think Jesus is steal treated badly even unto this day? Even after all He has done for the world? And yet, he forgives still. Every time.

Matthew 6:15
But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Luke 17:4
Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.

I urge you to let go of the unforgiveness in your heart right now. Seek the strength from your Father if you find yourself holding on.

Happy Tuesday!

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